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Monday, March 8, 2010

Custard Crisis

Kohl's Frozen Custard

The story:
Clarence Stowers found a finger in his custard at Kohl's Frozen Custard in Wilmington, N.C. He thought it was candy and ate all of the ice cream off of it before realizing it was actually a human finger. He only wished his find was a hoax. But an employee had lost part of his index finger in a freak custard accident and Stowers was the lucky finger finder.

The damage:
Kohl's Frozen Custard only has locations in North Carolina. The story, while disgusting to most of us, wouldn't have made such a huge media splash had it not occurred right on the heels of the Wendy's chili finger claims.

What makes this story even more bizarre and has kept it in the media spotlight is that Stowers won't return the finger to Brandon Fizer, the 23-year-old employee who lost it to a custard machine. Now it's too late for Fizer to get the digit re-attached but Stowers says he's keeping it as evidence and it's been reported that he's hired an attorney to sue the custard company.

Another employee lost part of his finger on the same custard machine less than a year ago. While it was determined he was negligent and it wasn't the store's fault, the images of cut off fingers are still there for consumers.

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